
Small Town

I went to Walmart today here in Ephraim.
I decided I had better get some food in the house cause I was tired of eating cereal for breakfast lunch and dinner.
I usually don't like to wear my glasses to Walmart because that way I can't see people very well, and if I can't see them, it gives me a good excuse not to have to talk to anyone.
Well, today I decided to wear my glasses to speed up my shopping process a little bit, and I was so unpleased to SEE and actually make eye contact with a boy that I had a bad run in with during first semester. As most of you know I have a zero tolerance rule about A hole boys and them thinking they can walk all over me. He was never a crush or anything, just a jerk that thought he could call me a nasty name and I definitely didn't let him get away with it.
Small town=uncomfortable run-ins.
But then I started thinking,
I'm from a much bigger town than Ephraim and I remember people always saying 'Oh PG is such a small town, everyone knows everyone'.
So what qualifies for small town?
People from Manti High are always complaining that 'Everyone knew everyone else's business in high school', Michael will even vouch for that 'small town' reputation of nothing being secret.
But I don't know what's worse . . . a class of 130 people knowing all your business, or a class of 650 knowing all your business.
Just an interesting thought.

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