
Here We Come SLCC

On July 1st, Michael and I will be moving into our nook.
We can not wait!
We were going to wait till the end of July, but we're getting too antsy.
So we're rushing to get things put together.
I just made a 'Master Grocery List' today, and it goes on, and on and on and on...lots of silly things I thought I'd never have to buy...
wooden spoons,
toilet cleaner,
a toilet scrubber,
I'm living with my grandma right now since I was kicked out of my room by Twit #1. She's a big girl now and needs her own room.
Grandma Shanna had an extra room (king sized bed all to myself!) so I took it. I love living with grandma... but I'd love living with my sweetie better.
It's hard not having any friends. I have more friends in Delta than I have up here now.
Not only do I have no friends up here, but my best friend is 2 hours away, and I'm definitely ready to be with him everyday!


  1. But you're going to get married before you move in with him right? :)

  2. It's crazy, the stuff you need for your first apartment, good luck!
