
Teeny Tiny

You may think this is weird...but it was very frustrating for me.

I've had the worst stomach ache all last night and all today.
I get the sudden feelings of needing to throw up.

So I was taking my Nutrition test today and was about ten questions from the end when...
I got that feeling, and it came on strong.

I could feel my temperature go up, and that bad feeling of not being able to hold it down anymore.

So I hurried and finished, and ran to the bathroom...
and was very upset when I couldn't get into the stall..

I could not fit in the stall! It was much MUCH too small. I had to step inside, on the side of the toilet, and still had to squeeze the door shut. I couldn't help but think, how do girls even slightly bigger than I fit in those dang things!?

I don't know who designed these stalls, but whoever it was must have been a midget or an extremely skinny person.

Its like when you go shopping and all thats left on the shelf are size zero and double zero jeans...no one wears a size zero! Let alone a double zero!

Anyhow... I was just annoyed so I thought I'd share

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