
Courtship and Marriage

I'm taking a Courtship and Marriage class this semester. It was worth 3 credits, seemed like an easy class, and since I was't dating anyone at the time and I have a track record of dating complete A holes, I thought it would help my dating skills a bit.

My teacher is a complete nut.
He's an older man in his late 60s or early 70s,
he's one of those old men that believes we should still do things how they did them in 'the olden days',
and sometimes he tells us things that about 90 % of us disagree with.

I'm going to share with you some of his 'philosophies':
*We were having a discussion about children and how important children are to a marriage, when the question of 'how soon is too soon to have children in a marriage?'. Our teacher, very strongly, voiced what he thought on the matter. (My teacher has very strong opinions which he things are 100% correct, and he has told us many times, if we disagree with him, we're wrong, and he will no doubt find ways to 'prove wrong' what we have to say.)
He told us that couples should be having a baby within 9 months of their marriage...so right away! He said that newlyweds don't need time together to get to know each other or spend time with each other. We were all informed that if we don't have children right off the bat we were being selfish, and that having kids was one of the main reasons to get married in the first place.

*Today, he tried 'explaining' men. His way of explaining them was that all any man ever thinks about is sex, which we hear a lot. But that was followed by, all they think about is sex, that's all they ever want to do, a guy doesn't look at a girl and not have sexual thoughts, a guy doesn't have sex and have an emotion bond to his partner until months into the relationship, and that men were sent to this earth specifically to be sex machines . . . blah blah blah. The boys in my class should have been offended by what he was teaching us.

*We had a lesson some time ago about something our teacher calls 'mixed marriages' and how you should avoid them. An example is an atheist and a mormon getting married. He had a very good point in all of this. It would be hard to live with someone for the rest of your life who had different morals and values in life than you did, or believed in a different God or believed in a different way in worshiping God, etc. He was doing well... until he brought up that mixed race marriages would never work. He didn't make it about mixed cultures, but it was specifically about race. He said that asians and whites shouldn't marry, blacks and whites, any person of a dark origin and any person of a white origin shouldn't marry. He said it was because 'people didn't like it, and the pressure from society would destroy the marriage'. I don't know if this man has realized it or not, but we don't live in the same world that we use to. What really bothered me is I am the only interracial individual in that class, and clearly he could tell that I had a white parent and a dark parent, and he felt pretty okay about bashing on mixed race marriages. Although mixed race didn't work out for my mom, it didn't really have anything to do with the fact that my mom is white and my sperm donor was black... it had to do with him being a dirty rotten scoundrel.

You get the point? He's kind of a crotchety old bum, I love the class because it's so interesting, and he does give a lot of good information, but most of it... is just craziness.

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