
Twit #1

This weekend Michael and I took a trip up north.

It was originally to go to my hair appointment, but the minute we drove into Lindon, my appointment was moved back because of a power outage at Capelli's in American Fork. Instead of my appointment just being moved back though, the manager failed to ever call me back and I never got my hair done...not happy.


Michael and Maya are little buddies. She always wants Michael to 'be on her team', and at dinner she didn't want to sit by me or Peyton, she just wanted to sit by Michael. The subject of Michael being their brother-in-law someday was brought up, and very upset like, Maya says, "No! I don't want him to be my brother!" I asked her why not, and her answer was, "Because, I just want him to be my sister."
I love the weird logic that goes through Maya's head!

1 comment:

  1. maya is the thinker in the family. it may not always make sense but she thinks about it.
