

I spent last weekend and the better part of this week with Michael.
I've met his mom several times, and since the beginning she's made me more nervous than I've ever been around someones mom.
She's a little Mexican spit fire and hardly speaks English, making communication super difficult.
She's not only intimidating looking, but the language barrier doesn't help, and I have the feeling that she doesn't like me much.

Here's why.

Michael has an older brother named Farrell Jr.
He's the 'good boy' of the family, the golden child, mommy and daddy's favorite,
and he recently started dating a little Mexican girl.
Michael's mom, Rosa, has maybe talked directly to me about three times in the five to eight times I've seen her and spent time around her.
Rosa, Michael's dad Farrell Sr., his little sister Jackie, and his little brother Jason drove to Richfield just to go meet Farrell Jr's new girlfriend this week. When they got back, Rosa bragged up how much she loved Farrell's girlfriend, and how she was able to talk to her (duh! they both speak Spanish!), and how cute and little she was, and how she wished that all of her boys would date Mexican girls.

Whoa... that was a harsh one. Not only was I sitting there, Michael's not Mexican girlfriend, but Michael's sister-in-law was also there... who is also not Mexican.

The next day she came over again, and wasn't too happy to see me.

Rosa: Geez, are you guys married or what?
Michael: Not yet, we're working on it.
Rosa: Oh gosh, I hope not.

This is about the time that everyone in the room gasps,
and Rosa pretends like nothing has happened.
Michael pulled her aside to talk to her and tell her she needed to be a little nicer to me, and get use to me being around a lot more. Rosa did NOT like that. She told him that I better learn to speak Spanish and that I needed to try and talk to her more...

The monster-in-law has already begun :/


  1. It might be hard, but try your best to "BE THE BETTER PERSON". In the end, you'll be on top! Good Luck, Love ya!

  2. um, last time i checked, we lived in AMERICA lady where we speak ENGLISH! maybe she should learn the language so she can speak to the rest of us. so there rosa!!
    oh yeah, and to be grown up about it, what jacki said.;D

  3. hahaha oh mom... I wanted to tell you the story but I didn't want to call and bother you while you were enjoying beautiful seattle!
    crazy huh?!
