
I love I hate...

I Hate:

When it's absolutely clear that a girl is wearing hair extensions.
When I finally decide to walk to class and water leaks through my boots five minutes into my walk.
When I'm trying to do my homework like a good student and my one obnoxious roommate won't stop yelling and screaming...and playing that dang guitar.
When I don't see Michael for more than a few days.
When I can't do something that I once could.
When people talk behind my back and can't just say it to my face.
Seeing people I knew in high school.
Not having any money.

I love:

When I get voicemails from my baby sister.
When my phone rings and I see that it's Michael.
When the weather starts to warm up.
The thought of finally getting out of ephraim.
The confidence cheerleading gives me.
Going home to my parents.
When I take a test and just knowing that I did really well.
Getting homework done early!
The feeling eating healthy gives me.

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