
Try Try Again

As a lot of you may know I WAS a Snow College Cheerleader last year.

I tried out, and was on the team up until the week before our first football game. Thats when my coach decided 1. she "didn't like my personality" 2. I "wasn't coachable" and 3. she didn't like my "religious standpoint". Sound like a bunch of bull crap? Well it was.

So this year I'm going to try again...but not at Snow, at Salt Lake Community College.
Michael and I are planning on going to SLCC and cheerleading is very important to me, so I decided I might as well try out for my second college team, in hopes of making it and STAYING on the team.

I could not be more nervous. Try outs are this Friday and Saturday... and it's been a long time since I've tumbled!

Hopefully I don't fall on my face, wish me luck y'all, cause I'm gonna need it!

1 comment:

  1. you are a rockstar of a cheerleader and you will make it!
    good luck baby girl.
